Origins and Family Relationships between Raymund of Burgundy and Hugh of Champagne, Promoter of the Templars




Genealogy, House of Blois, Raymond of Burgundy, Count Hugh of Champagne, Order of Temple


If there ever was a military order capable of generating interest seven centuries after its dissolution by papal order, this is undoubtedly that of the Templars. However, there are aspects about its founders that still need to be addressed. Therefore, this work aims to draw up a genealogical sketch of the true supporter of the Order from its beginnings, Count Hugh of Champagne, and his kinship with the royal family of León through his close blood ties with Raymond of Burgundy, Count of Galicia, and also with Count Henry of Portugal, which would explain the early establishment of the order in the northwest of Hispania and the firm support of the crown.


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How to Cite

Torres Sevilla-Quiñones de León, M. C. . (2022). Origins and Family Relationships between Raymund of Burgundy and Hugh of Champagne, Promoter of the Templars. Cuadernos De Estudios Gallegos, 69(135), 55–82.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers HAR2017-82480-P