Galician emigration in the 16th century: the lineage Bahamonde in Chiloé


  • Pablo A. Pérez



Galicia, Chiloé, genealogy, emigration, Bahamonde-Vaamonde


The article discusses about a Galician emigrant who was part of a military troop destined for the War of Arauco. He had established himself in the captaincy of Chile, leaving signifi cant offspring in the southern island of Chiloé -which name of conquest was precisely province of Nueva Galiciauntil today. It shows historical data on the migrant as well as some genealogical notes about the lineage itself, making evident the need to complete a study that already started some years ago. In summary, a contribution to the presence and heritage of Galician origin outside its borders.


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How to Cite

Pérez, P. A. (2012). Galician emigration in the 16th century: the lineage Bahamonde in Chiloé. Cuadernos De Estudios Gallegos, 59(125), 143–156.


